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Security vulnerability alerts for Python

If you use Python, we can now alert you whenever you depend on vulnerable packages.

Security vulnerability alerts for Python

Last year, we released security alerts that track security vulnerabilities in Ruby and JavaScript packages. Since then, we have identified millions of vulnerabilities and have prompted many patches.

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve shipped Python support. As of this week, Python users can now access the dependency graph and receive security alerts whenever their repositories depend on packages with known security vulnerabilities.

We’ve chosen to launch the new platform offering with a few recent vulnerabilities. Over the coming weeks, we will be adding more historical Python vulnerabilities to our database. Going forward, we will continue to monitor the NVD feed and other sources, and will send alerts on any newly disclosed vulnerabilities in Python packages.

How to start using Python security alerts

First, ensure that you have checked in a requirements.txt or Pipfile.lock file inside of repositories that have Python code.

Public repositories will automatically have your dependency graph and security alerts enabled. For private repositories, you’ll need to opt in to security alerts in your repository settings or by allow access in the dependency graph section of your repository’s “Insights” tab.

When vulnerability alerts are enabled, admins will receive security alerts by default. Admins can also add teams or individuals as recipients for security alerts by going into their repository’s settings page and navigating to the “Alerts” tab.

To configure the kind or frequency of notifications you receive, visit your profile’s notification settings page and select your preferred option.

Read the documentation to learn more.

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